Do You Have a Personal Assistant in Your Kitchen - Have you ever dreamed of having a personal assistant in your kitchen? Oh I have, many times.

Fig The Natural Way to Good Health - The fig occupies a high position among fruits.

The Chinese Noodle Stalls of Spring Garden Lane - It?s a long time since I?ve eaten at one of the Noodle Stalls of Spring Garden Lane, on Hong Kong Island, but the experience is one I will treasure all my life.

Vital Reasons To Use Real Extra Virgin Olive Oil - Extra virgin olive oil is very special and unique.

Choose the Right Catering Service - Food is an integral part of any party so one must choose a catering service wisely.

Finding Free Recipes Online - If you love to cook, you are likely always looking for the next new recipe to try out on your family and friends.

Coca Cola and Sigmund Freud - Most people know that Sigmund Freud was the father of modern psychoanalysis, but did you know that he was also the foster father of Coca Cola? There is no good evidence that psychoanalysis can cure serious mood or thought disorders such as severe.

Coffee Flavor Peaks with Freshly Roasted Beans - By buying beans directly from the people who handle the roasting process or at least the next step in the chain, coffee connoisseurs can ensure the best quality and even save a little bit of the fun in grinding for themselves.

Starbucks Coffee Shop Etiquette Rules - Starbucks, the coffee shop franchise run by entrepreneur Howard Schultz, has been one of the most phenomenal business success stories of the last twenty years.

Breakfast In Iraq - In recent years, breakfast has become a luxury for the people of Iraq.

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Wine & Health
Wine, alcohol and health research: an in-depth look

Every month, new, valid research findings on alcohol, health and social issues are being published in peer-reviewed journals.
Buy, sell or hold: wine country real estate trends

Kendall-Jackson To Sell 900 Acres; Mondavi Puts 1,500 Acres And Two Wineries On the Market; Coppola Pays A Record $350,000 Per Acre For Napa Vineyard.
U.S. funds grant for wine/health study

In an unprecedented breakthrough, the U.S. government's National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI) provided the first major multidisciplinary programmatic grant to study the effects of moderate wine consumption on cardiovascular health to the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB).
Wine slightly better than beer for cardiac health

A recent article in the Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis determined that drinkers of wine benefit from its cardioprotective effects, more so than those who drink beer or other spirits, and wine drinkers may also live longer.